
Slide Omega Medical Centre, Ironshore YOUR HEALTH CARE PROVIDER OF CHOICE Why Visit us? Services Offered: check_circle Family Physician Specialist Clinics
- General Practitioner,
           - Gynecologist,
           - Orthopedic,
           - Occupational Health Specialist
check_circle Aesthetics Procedures
- Verju Laster Treatment,
           - Botox,
           - Fillers,
           - IV Fluids
           - IV Vitamin Treatment
check_circle Physiotherapy check_circle Radiological Services
- X-Rays,
           - Ultrasounds
check_circle Medical Laser Treatments
- Tattoo removal
           - Wart removal
           - Scar removal
check_circle Medical Laboratory
- Blood tests (point of care)
Book Appointments arrow_right CONTACT US:

Tele: 876.953.2716 /Cell: 876. 373.2450
Email: info@omegamedicalservicesltd.com

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